Hive - How to easily test custom auth Jar?
In this post, I will share the steps you can take to easily test your custom hive authentication implementation.
Using Symbolic Links to Manage Libraries
This post is quick tutorial on how you can easily manage & switch between different versions of programming libraries that you have configured in your machine with the help of symbolic links.
Mixin in Scala
In this blog post, we will look into how Scala provides support for mixins via traits. Mixin allow classes to provide functionalities to other classes without making the other classes inherit from them.
SSH Config
Unhandled & Dead Messages in Akka
In this blog post, we are going to look into two special cases of message delivery & its handling by the akka framework. First case involves sending invalid message & second case involves sending messages to dead actors.
Scala Topics - Actor Based Programming
In this blog post, I am going to use Akka’s Actor framework for implementing code for scoring Bowling game. Before getting into the code, I will provide quick introduction to Actors & components involved in actor based programming.
Setting date & time in Linux VM
In this blog post, I will provide you steps for setting date & time in Linux VM through command prompt.
Scala Topics - Covariance & Contravariance
In this blog post, I am going to explain you the difference between covariance & contra-variance. If you are not familiar with these terms then let me tell you that its related to the way type parameters are handled(more on this) when defining generic types or methods.
Advent Of Code 2016
I recently came across this site called Advent Of Code which lists set of problems in increasing order of complexity. If you are like me, trying to learn new programming language(in my case it’s Scala), then solving handful of such problems will greatly expedite your learning process.
Scala Topics - Case Classes
In this blog post, I am going to cover Scala’s Case class functionality. Scala being functional programming language, introduces new programming constructs like Case classes, traits & other features to support & enhance functional programming experience.