MEANT Stack Part4 - Front End Implementation - 2
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This is the last part of the four part blog series on building web applications using MEAN stack, TypeScript and Visual Studio Code. In the previous three parts we have covered the following things :
MEANT Stack Part3 - Front End Implementation - 1
In this and the next module, we will concentrate on building front-end of our application using AngularJs, TypeScript & Bootstrap.
MEANT Stack Part2 - Node & Mongoose SetUp
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In the previous post, we went through the steps of installing necessary software’s & modules required for building our application. In this post, we are going to concentrate on our application backend i.e. setting up node as as web server & mongoose related codebase for performing CRUD activities in the underlying mongo database.
MEANT Stack - Part1
Table of Contents
In this multi-part blog series, I will walk you through on how to build a small web application using Nodejs, MongoDb, TypeScript & AngularJs. We will be building a small web application for creating and registering teams. A team will have team members and a unique team name. The application will have two screens. First one used for creating a new team and the other one used for listing all the registered teams. In this post, we will concentrate on installing & setting up of required software’s. Let’s get started.
Going Functional - Symbol Graph in F#
In the previous post, we have seen the implementation of undirected graph data structure in F#. In this post, we will make use of the Graph data structure to implement the Symbol Graph data structure. You can read more about Symbol Graph data structure here. Given below is the java based implementation of Symbol Graph data structure. The implementation if taken from Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Going Functional - Breadth & Depth First Search in F#
In this blog post, I will provide the depth and breadth first traversal implementation in F#. But before that lets look at the Java based implementation of these traversal mechanisms. The code is taken from Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. You can find the complete code here :
Going Functional - Priority Queues F#
In this blog post, I will provide the F# implementation for max priority queue. First the java based implementation taken from Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. You can find the complete priority queue implementation here :
Going Functional - Merge & Quick Sort in F#
Continuing our functional journey, in this post I will first present the Java based implementation of merge sort followed by F# based implementation. Finally we will repeat the same steps for QuickSort algorithm. Java based implementation of the sorting algorithms is taken from Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Going Functional - Elementry Sorting Algorithms in F#
In this blog post, I will provide F# implementation for Selection & Insertion sorting algorithms. First the C#/Java based implementation of these algorithms taken from Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne.
Going Functional - Stack Implementation in F#
In this blog post, I will port linked list based Stack ADT code in C# to F#. Given below is the C# implementation. It’s inspired from the Java based implementation provided in the Algorithms 4th Edition book by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. The Stack ADT class is called LLStack because .Net framework itself contains Stack data structure.