Pawan Mishra
by Pawan Mishra
5 min read


In this blog post, I will provide the depth and breadth first traversal implementation in F#. But before that lets look at the Java based implementation of these traversal mechanisms. The code is taken from Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. You can find the complete code here :

public class Graph {  
    private final int V;  
    private int E;  
    private Bag<integer>[] adj;  

    public Graph(int V) {  
        if (V < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of vertices must be nonnegative");  
        this.V = V;  
        this.E = 0;  
        adj = (Bag<integer>[]) new Bag[V];  
        for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) {  
            adj[v] = new Bag<integer>();  

    public Graph(In in) {  
        int E = in.readInt();  
        if (E < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of edges must be nonnegative");  
        for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) {  
            int v = in.readInt();  
            int w = in.readInt();  
            addEdge(v, w);  

    public int V() {  
        return V;  

    public int E() {  
        return E;  

    public void addEdge(int v, int w) {  

    public Iterable <integer>adj(int v) {  
        return adj[v];  

    public int degree(int v) {  
        return adj[v].size();  


public class DepthFirstPaths {  
    private boolean[] marked;  
    private int[] edgeTo;  
    private final int s;  

    public DepthFirstPaths(Graph G, int s) {  
        this.s = s;  
        edgeTo = new int[G.V()];  
        marked = new boolean[G.V()];  
        dfs(G, s);  

    // depth first search from v  
    private void dfs(Graph G, int v) {  
        marked[v] = true;  
        for (int w : G.adj(v)) {  
            if (!marked[w]) {  
                edgeTo[w] = v;  
                dfs(G, w);  

    public boolean hasPathTo(int v) {  
        return marked[v];  

    public Iterable <integer>pathTo(int v) {  
        if (!hasPathTo(v)) return null;  
        Stack <integer>path = new Stack<integer>();  
        for (int x = v; x != s; x = edgeTo[x])  
        return path;  


public class BreadthFirstPaths {  
    private boolean[] marked;  
    private int[] edgeTo;  

    public BreadthFirstPaths(Graph G, int s) {  
        marked = new boolean[G.V()];  
        edgeTo = new int[G.V()];  
        bfs(G, s);  

    // breadth-first search from a single source  
    private void bfs(Graph G, int s) {  
        Queue <integer>q = new Queue<integer>();  
        for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)  
            distTo[v] = INFINITY;  
        marked[s] = true;  

        while (!q.isEmpty()) {  
            int v = q.dequeue();  
            for (int w : G.adj(v)) {  
                if (!marked[w]) {  
                    edgeTo[w] = v;  
                    marked[w] = true;  

    public boolean hasPathTo(int v) {  
        return marked[v];  

    public Iterable <integer>pathTo(int v) {  
        if (!hasPathTo(v)) return null;  
        Stack <integer>path = new Stack<integer>();  
        int x;  
        for (x = v; distTo[x] != 0; x = edgeTo[x])  
        return path;  

The code for BreadthFirst & DepthFirst traversal technique is fairly straight forward. In the below mentioned F# implementation, I have combined these two implementation in one single file.

module Graph  

open System  
open System.IO  

type Graph (v : int) =  
    let V = v  
    let mutable E = 0  
    let Adj : int list array = Array.zeroCreate V  
    do Adj |> Array.iteri (fun i x -> Adj.[i] <- [])  
    new(reader : TextReader) = Graph(Int32.Parse(reader.ReadLine()))  

    member x.Vertices with get() = V  
    member x.Edge with get() = E  
    member x.Adjecent v = Adj.[v]  
    member x.AddEdge (v, w) =   
        Adj.[v] <- w::Adj.[v]  
        Adj.[w] <- v::Adj.[w]  
        E <- E + 1  

    member x.AddEdge (reader: TextReader) =   
        let tempEdge = Int32.Parse(reader.ReadLine())  
        for i in [0..tempEdge-1] do  
            let items = reader.ReadLine().Split(' ') |> (fun x -> Int32.Parse(x))   
            x.AddEdge (items.[0], items.[1])  

type Path (graph : Graph, source : int) =  
    let HasPath (v, (marked:bool array)) = marked.[v]  
    member x.PathTo (v, (edgeTo:int array), (marked:bool array)) :int list option =  
        match HasPath (v, marked) with  
        | false -> None  
        | true ->   
            let rec ComputePath v items =  
                match v with  
                | x when x <> source -> ComputePath edgeTo.[x] (x::items)  
                | s when s = source -> s::items  
                | _ -> items  
            ComputePath v [] |> Some  

type DepthFirstPath (graph : Graph, source : int) =  
    inherit Path(graph, source)  
    let marked : bool array = Array.zeroCreate graph.Vertices  
    let edgeTo : int array = Array.zeroCreate graph.Vertices  
    let rec DFS (graph:Graph, v:int) =  
        marked.[v] <- true  
        graph.Adjecent v |> List.iter (fun x -> match marked.[x] with  
                                                   | false ->  edgeTo.[x] <- v; DFS(graph, x);   
                                                   | _ -> ())   
    do DFS(graph, source)  
    member x.Path (v:int) :int list option = base.PathTo (v, edgeTo, marked)  

type BreadthFirstPath (graph : Graph, source : int) =  
    inherit Path(graph, source)  
    let marked : bool array = Array.zeroCreate graph.Vertices  
    let edgeTo : int array = Array.zeroCreate graph.Vertices  
    let BFS (graph:Graph, v:int) =  
        marked.[v] <- true  
        let rec Traverse (data:int list) =  
            match data with  
            | [] -> ()  
            | hd::tl ->   
                let tempLst = graph.Adjecent hd |> List.filter (fun i -> not marked.[i]) |> (fun x -> edgeTo.[x] <- hd; marked.[x] <- true; x;)  
                Traverse (tl@tempLst) |> ignore  
        Traverse [v]  
    do BFS(graph, source)  
    member x.Path (v:int) :int list option = base.PathTo (v, edgeTo, marked)  

let ConstructGraph (path:string) =  
    use reader = new StreamReader(path)  
    let graph = Graph(reader)  
    graph.AddEdge reader  
    let dfp = DepthFirstPath(graph, 0)  
    let path = dfp.Path(3)  
    printfn "DFS %A" path.Value  

    let bfs = BreadthFirstPath(graph, 0)  
    let bfsPath = bfs.Path(3)  
    printfn "BFS : %A" path.Value

Lets break down the implementation and see what all new constructs have been used in the above code.

  • First we have declared the Graph type. Note that in the Graph type, we have declared secondary constructor using new(reader:TextReader). To know more about types and constructors in F#, please read here : & Graph type has few properties and methods used for adding new edges.
  • Next we have declared an abstract base class for Depth & Breadth first types. Note that for declaring abstract type, the type definition has to be attributed with “AbstractClass” attribute. Rest of the code for abstract class is fairly simple.
  • Next in the Depth & Breadth first types, I have inherited from the base type i.e. Path. For traversal, I have once again made use of F#’s recursion & pattern matching technique. In the BreadthFirstPath type, I have also made use of pattern matching technique on list type. To know more about pattern matching in lists please read here :
  • Finally in the ConstructGraph method, I am first creating the StreamReader instance. Note carefully that instead of “let” keyword, I have used “use” this time. In F# “use” keyword is used to designate those instances which implement the “IDisposable” interface. Also while creating instances, “new” keyword is generally not required(e.g. see DepthFirstPath & BreadthFirstPath instantiation in ConstructGraph method). But in case when the type implements “IDisposable” interface, then “new” keyword is mandatory.