LLM Using Azure OpenAI
Step by step guide on how to configure Azure OpenAI service and use it for working with LLMs.
Dockerizing my blog
I have never worked with Docker. I have never created a Dockerfile, containerized an app, run it as a service, or interacted with it. I did take some courses on O’Reilly, but without active practice, I forgot what I had learned in those courses. Finally, I decided to build something with Docker, and I did that by dockerizing my blog.
Spark - Needle in a haystack story
In this short blog post, I will share an example of how executor logs helped us in narrowing down a malformed record that was causing our code to throw java.lang.ArithmeticException long overflow exception
Mock External Dependencies via Traits
In this short blog post, I will give an example wherein we will see how with the help of Scala trait’s we can mock external dependencies.
Localstack & Terraform
In this blog post, we are going to see an example of how we can use the localstack framework for testing terraform deployments.
Spark Patterns - FlatMapGroups
In this blog post, I am going to explain you with an example on how we can use the FlatMapGroups api for implementing complex logic against grouped datasets.
Hive & Ldap Authentication
In this post, I will cover the steps required to properly configure Ldap & corresponding group level authentication in hive.
Running Spark App In Standalone Cluster Mode
In this blog post, I will explain the process of running Spark application against locally running standlaone cluster.
Working with schema in SparkSQL
In this blog post, we will see how to apply schema to SparkSQL DataFrames. We will also see, how to use Scala’s implicits for converting DataFrame into strongly typed entities.
SparkSQL Getting Started
In this blog post, I am going to explain you the steps required for configuring Spark in your machine. I will also present simple SparkSQL program which runs SQL query against sample csv file.