Pawan Mishra
by Pawan Mishra
5 min read


Table of Contents

  1. Applying Schema via StructType

In one of my previous post on SparkSQL, we saw how SparkSQL can be used to run SQL queries against csv files. For ease of reference, I have copied the code snippet below :

You can find the working code in my personal github repository here : SparkPlayGround

def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // setup SparkSession instance  
    val spark = SparkSession
      .appName("SparkSQL For Csv")

    import spark.implicits._

    // Read csv file
    val df ="header","true").option("delimiter",",").csv("/path/to/file/Person_csv.csv")

    // Registers the DataFrame in form of view

    // Actual SparkSQL query
    val sqlPersonDF = spark.sql(
        |              PersonID AS PersonKey,
        |                'XYZ' AS IdentifierName,
        |                PersonIndex AS Extension,
        |                'A' AS Status
        |              FROM person
        |              WHERE
        |                PersonID IS NOT NULL AND PersonIndex IS NOT NULL
        |              UNION
        |              SELECT
        |                PersonID AS PersonKey,
        |                'ABC' AS IdentifierName,
        |                RecordNumber AS Extension,
        |                'A' AS RecordStatus
        |              FROM person
        |              WHERE
        |                PersonID IS NOT NULL AND RecordNumber IS NOT NULL
        |              UNION
        |              SELECT
        |                PersonID AS PersonKey,
        |                'MNO' AS IdentifierName,
        |                SSN AS Extension,
        |                'A' AS RecordStatus
        |              FROM person
        |              WHERE
        |                PersonID IS NOT NULL AND SSN IS NOT NULL

      // Print the result. See output below

Sample output from calling

|           17|           SSN| 74741646|           A|
|            7|          EMPI|       24|           A|
|           16|           SSN| 52389497|           A|
|            7|           SSN| 84645646|           A|
|            9|           MRN|925348562|           A|

sqlPersonDF is of type DataFrame. Calling printSchema on sqlPersonDF prints the following :

 |-- PersonKey: string (nullable = true)
 |-- IdentifierName: string (nullable = false)
 |-- Extension: string (nullable = true)
 |-- RecordStatus: string (nullable = false)

Notice how SparkSQL inferred all of the columns of type string. IdentifierName & RecordStatus are not-nullable probably because the columns had hard-coded values & SparkSQL used that for determining null-ability of columns.

However from the sample data, its clear that PersonKey & Extension should be of type int instead of string. It would make sense to first convert the DataFrame in appropriate schema, before utilizing it further.

Applying Schema via StructType

One way of applying schema to DataFrame is to construct an instance of StructType & create new DataFrame from existing one by passing StructType instance to SparkSession’s map method’s overload which accepts custom schema as input parameter. Lets see this approach in action. I have copied the updated code below :

def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // setup SparkSession instance  
    val spark = SparkSession
      .appName("SparkSQL For Csv")

    import spark.implicits._

    // Read csv file
    val df ="header","true").option("delimiter",",").csv("/path/to/file/Person_csv.csv")

        BooleanType, ByteType, ShortType, IntegerType, LongType,
        FloatType, DoubleType, DecimalType, TimestampType, DateType,
        StringType, BinaryType
    val schema = StructType(Seq(
      StructField("PersonKey", IntegerType, false),
      StructField("IdentifierName", StringType, false),
      StructField("Extension", IntegerType, false),
      StructField("RecordStatus", StringType, false)))

    // Registers the DataFrame in form of view

    // Actual SparkSQL query
    val sqlPersonDF = spark.sql(
        |              PersonID AS PersonKey,
        |                'XYZ' AS IdentifierName,
        |                PersonIndex AS Extension,
        |                'A' AS Status
        |              FROM person
        |              WHERE
        |                PersonID IS NOT NULL AND PersonIndex IS NOT NULL
        |              UNION
        |              SELECT
        |                PersonID AS PersonKey,
        |                'ABC' AS IdentifierName,
        |                RecordNumber AS Extension,
        |                'A' AS RecordStatus
        |              FROM person
        |              WHERE
        |                PersonID IS NOT NULL AND RecordNumber IS NOT NULL
        |              UNION
        |              SELECT
        |                PersonID AS PersonKey,
        |                'MNO' AS IdentifierName,
        |                SSN AS Extension,
        |                'A' AS RecordStatus
        |              FROM person
        |              WHERE
        |                PersonID IS NOT NULL AND SSN IS NOT NULL

      // Print the result. See output below

      // apply the schema
      val patientRdd = => Row(x(0).toString.toInt, x(1), x(2).toString.toInt, x(3)))(RowEncoder(schema))
      // print the schema

Lets break down the code :

  • First we have created instance of StructType instance by defining column names along with their expected column types.
  • Before we apply the schema, we have to ensure that incoming data is in sync with expected schema. Thus, in our map function, we are explicitly calling toInt method on fields we want to be of type int.
  • Finally we pass the schema as additional parameter to map function.

Calling printSchema on patientRdd prints the following :

 |-- PersonKey: integer (nullable = false)
 |-- IdentifierName: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Extension: integer (nullable = false)
 |-- RecordStatus: string (nullable = true)

We have successfully converted our input sqlPatientDF DataFrame into strongly typed patientRdd DataFrame. However there is just one small problem or I should say inconvenience. Working with patientRdd will require us to work with internal Spark datatype called Row. And if we have to intercept any of the row fields then we will have to use index positions e.g. Row(x(0), x(1)…) etc. Wouldn’t it be nice, if we can somehow convert the raw Row datatype into something more presentable like an instance of below mentioned PatientInfo class?

case class PatientInfo(Key: Int, Identifier: String, Extension: Int, Status: String)

Converting raw data in an instance of PatientInfo is quiet simple and only requires minor changes in the above code. I have copied the modified code below & for brevity purpose, removed some pieces of it.

case class PatientInfo(Key: Int, Identifier: String, Extension: Int, Status: String)

object SchemaInPlay {

  implicit def rowToPatient(row: Row): PatientInfo = {
    PatientInfo(row.getInt(0), row.getString(1), row.getInt(2), row.getString(3))

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val spark = SparkSession
      .appName("SparkSQL For Csv")

    import spark.implicits._

    val patientRdd = => Row(x(0).toString.toInt, x(1), x(2).toString.toInt, x(3)))(RowEncoder(schema))


  def printPatients(patient: PatientInfo): Unit = {
    println(s"${patient.Key} - ${patient.Extension}")

Let’s go through all of the changes that we have introduced in the above code snippet :

  • Defined PatientInfo case class. Later in code, we will map every row of patientRdd into an instance of PatientInfo class.
  • Defined function printPatients which accepts instance of PatientInfo and prints something on console.
  • We have defined rowToPatient method which accepts instance of Row and converts it into instance of PatientInfo.
  • We are calling printPatients on patientRdd’s foreach method. But where exactly are we converting patientRdd Row into PatientInfo?

Conversion from Row into PatientInfo happens behind the screen via Scala’s support for implicits. Implicits are yet another advanced & quiet fascinating capability of Scala. Implicits are Scala’s way of giving another try to resolve the runtime problem before giving up & throwing exception. In languages like C# or Java, the above code will not compile. No way, C# or Java compiler will convert Row into PatientInfo for us. Scala compiler on the other hand, looks for any method which can do the required conversion & luckily it finds our rowToPatient method. If you have noticed, we marked rowToPatient as implicit, telling Scala compiler to keep an eye for Row to PatientInfo conversion & if not explicitly invoked, then go ahead and insert the method call on your own.

Implicits are quiet broad & advanced topics. I strongly encourage you to learn & try to use it in your scala code.

Once again, you can find the complete code in my SparkPlayGround github repository.