Postgres and Json - Part2
In this blog post, we are going to explore some of the json related operators & functions specific to filtering & processing of json based data.
Postgres and Json - Part1
In this blog post, we are going to look into the various json related functions available in postgres database specific to json creation.
Logback for Beginners
In this blog post, I am going to explain two key concepts of logging - log levels & logger hierarchy using logback logging framework.
AOP in Java
In this blog post, I am going to use an open source library called jcabi-aspects for implementing loggable aspect.
Kafka - Getting Started
In this blog post, I am going to outline the steps required for setting up Kafka in your local development machine.
Working with MongoDB using F# & C#
Postgres - BackUp & Restore
In this blog post, I am going to share with you all the commands required for taking database back-up & restoring database from those back-up files.
RxJava - SubscribeOn & ObserveOn
In this blog post we will cover the two most important aspect of RxJava programming which is configuring observeOn & subscribeOn listeners.
Why Blog?
I have recently joined the local Toastmasters club in my office. The idea behind the Toastmasters club is to promote & improve public speaking by encouraging participants to give speeches either prepared lengthy speech lasting about 5 to 7 minutes or do an impromptu speech for about 2 minutes on any random topic. I can say with confidence that I have experienced drastic change in myself. I no longer shiver with fear of giving speech by facing large group of audience. Now this blog post is not going to be about the merits of Toastmasters instead I am going to use this post as placeholder for my next speech which is going to be on public writing aka Blogging.