Pawan Mishra
by Pawan Mishra
4 min read


Table of Contents

  1. Invariant
  2. Covariance(+)
  3. Contra-variance(-)
  4. Use Case

In this blog post, I am going to explain you the difference between covariance & contra-variance. If you are not familiar with these terms then let me tell you that its related to the way type parameters are handled(more on this) when defining generic types or methods.

The concept of variance is not specific to Scala. In fact the most clear & simple definition of these terms I have found is in excelled book called CLR via C#

Before we dive into the code, lets go through the definition of variance from CLR via C#:

  • Invariant : Meaning that the generic type parameter cannot be changed.
  • Contra-variant : Meaning that the generic type parameter can change from a class to a class derived from it. In C#, you indicate contra-variant generic type parameters with the in keyword. Contra-variant generic type parameters can appear only in input positions such as a method’s argument. In Scala you indicate contra-variant type parameter with - keyword.
  • Covariant : Meaning that the generic type argument can change from a class to one of its base classes. In C#, you indicate covariant generic type parameters with the out keyword. Covariant generic type parameters can appear only in output positions such as a method’s return type. In Scala you indicate covariant type parameter with + keyword.

If you find the definitions too complex, then lets go through the code below. In the below code, I have defined an abstract class called Person from which Manager class is derived & from Manager, Employee class is derived. Next, I have created Promotion class which accepts input argument of type Person and calls method promote.

abstract class Person {
  def role() : String

class Manager extends Person {
  override def role = "Manager"
  def isManager = true

class Employee extends Manager {
  override def role = "Employee"
  override def isManager = false

class Promotion[A <: Person](arg: A) {
  def promote() = println(arg.role + " promoted")

Notice the <: symbol. This symbol is used to denote what is called upper bound type. You can read more about it here.

Next we will create instances of each of these classes.

val employee = new Employee
val manager = new Manager

var employeePromotion = new Promotion(employee)

var managerPromotion = new Promotion(manager)

Notice I have declared the employee & manager instance using val keyword & promotion related instances using var keyword. With val, once initialized, you cannot reassign the variable. I have purposefully declared the promotion instances with var keyword because I will reassign the instances to explain the concept of variance.


In the case of promotion class declaration, the type parameter is defined without any + or - sign. These types are called Invariant types. Types declared with invariant type parameters cannot be assigned to child or super class instances. For e.g. trying to the following will result in error :

employeePromotion = managerPromotion
managerPromotion = employeePromotion

I am sure in all of your generics related programming, you wouldn’t have thought about type parameters in terms of variance etc. Defining invariant types is perfectly fine but when you need more control on your type parameters thats when you get into the world of covariance & contra-variance.


Lets redefine the Promotion with a plus(+) sign before type parameter A.

class Promotion[+A <: Person](arg: A) {
  def promote() = println(arg.role + " promoted")

Attempting to assign employeePromotion to managerPromotion works but vice-versa fails.

// This works
managerPromotion = employeePromotion

// This doesn't
employeePromotion = managerPromotion

From the definition of Covariance, the generic type argument can change from a class to its base class. In our case, employeePromotion instance type parameter Employee is inherits from Manager. Thus the assignment works but the opposite doesn’t.


Lets redefine the Promotion with a minus(-) sign before type parameter A.

class Promotion[-A <: Person](arg: A) {
  def promote() = println(arg.role + " promoted")

Attempting to assign managerPromotion to employeePromotion works but vice-versa fails.

// This doesn't
managerPromotion = employeePromotion

// This does
employeePromotion = managerPromotion

From the definition of contra-variance, the generic type argument can change from a class to its derived class. In our case, employeePromotion instance type parameter Employee is descends from Manager. Thus the assignment works but the opposite doesn’t.

Use Case

Consider the Function1 trait in Scala. As per its definition(given below), the input parameter T1 is marked as contra-variant & output parameter R is marked as covariant.

trait Function1[-T1, +R] extends AnyRef

Now consider the below function definition:

val isManager: Function1[Manager, Boolean] = input => input.isManager

isManager function accepts manager instance & invokes the input.isManager on manager instance. Return value as expected is true. Next lets assign the isManager function to another variable but of type Function1[Employee, Boolean].

val isEmployeeManager: Function1[Employee, Boolean] = isManager

Since Employee is derived from Manager & the function definition is contra-variant on input parameter i.e. it allows derived types, the above code works fine & prints false.

Finally we will assign the isManager instance to another variable of type Function1[Person,Boolean].

val isPersonManager: Function1[Person, Boolean] = isManager

Since Person is not a manager, the above code throws compilation exception.

As you can see, covariance & contra-variance allows required flexibility in code while avoiding improper type assignments. If Function1 wouldn’t have been defined in terms of variance i.e. no + or - then the assignments would have failed & we would have been required to create new types for every input combination.