Pawan Mishra
by Pawan Mishra
10 min read


Table of Contents

  1. Akka
    1. Actors
    2. ActorSystem
  2. Bowling Code
    1. Main Method
    2. Driver class
    3. Scorer class
  3. Summary

Every programming language has support for building concurrent & parallel programs. Most languages provide support for writing concurrent applications via low level constructs like explicitly creating & managing threads. The only concern here is that writing highly concurrent programs using low level constructs is difficult & hard to get right. Thus majority of languages have come up with libraries & framework for writing concurrent programs e.g. C# has Task Parallel Library, Java has Executor class etc. In the world of Scala, you can implement concurrent programs using either Akka’s Actor library or via Futures.


Akka is an actor-based message-driven runtime for managing concurrency, elasticity and resilience on the JVM with support for both Java and Scala.

Akka is a toolkit that provides support for building highly concurrent applications via low level entities called actors. Akka is an open source library, managed & supported by Lightbend Inc. Scala prior to 2.11 version had its own scala.actors library. Since 2.11, Scala has deprecated its own scala.actors package in favor of akka.actors package. You can include akka.actors as dependency in your project via one of the ways mentioned here.


As mentioned before, writing concurrent application using low level entities is hard & error prone. Actors provide an abstraction by being entities that encapsulate behavior & state. Common traits of actor include:

  • Actors communicate with other actors by sending immutable messages
  • Internal state of Actors is completely shielded from other actors
  • Actors can create other child actors & those child actors can create their own actors, forming a tree kind of hierarchy
  • Because of hierarchy based system, actors also provide monitoring & supervision support for child actors
  • Actors are lightweight entities & can be created in large numbers(dependening upon the use-case)
  • Actors have lifecycle i.e. actors don’t die after finishing their tasks. Actors have to be explicitly stopped or killed.

Once again, official Akka documentation is the perfect place to read more about Actor based programming.


In the previous section, I mentioned that an application can have multiple actors(and child actors). But before you can proceed with actors, you first have to create what is called an ActorSystem. Unlike actors, ActorSystem are heavy entities & its recommened to limit number of ActorSystem’s to one per application. You will see in the section below on how to create ActorSystem & use it for creating application specific actors.

In the section below, I am going to use the akka.actors package for implementing a small app for scoring Bowling application. As you will see, with actors & message passing, the intent & understandability of the application increases significantly.

Bowling Code

With theory out of our way, its time to see the actors in action. In order to better understand actors, I decided to use them in implementing scoring of bowling game. If you are not familiar with how scoring works in bowling then watch this video.

Note : I have only tested happy path. The below code also doesn’t cover the special case of 10th frame having three scores i.e. Spare or Strike. You can extend the code & try it yourself.

import scala.collection.mutable

case object Start
case object Stop
case object Continue
case class Score(x: Int, y: Int)
case class Frame(x: Int, y: Int, var points: Int, var total: Int, movesPlayed: Int, waitForMoves: Int)

object BowlingRunner {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val system = ActorSystem("BowlingActorSystem")
    val driverActor = system.actorOf(Props[Driver], "driver")
    driverActor ! Start

class Driver extends Actor {
  val scorer = context.actorOf(Props[Scorer], "scorer")

  implicit def scoreToInt(s: String) = s match {
    case "X" => 10
    case "-" => 0
    case _ => s.toInt

  def play: Unit = {
    val scoreX = readLine("Enter first score : ")
    val scoreY = readLine("Enter second score : ")
    scorer ! Score(scoreX, scoreY)

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Start => play
    case Continue => play
    case Stop => println("Game over!! Press ctrl+c to quit.")
    case _ => println("something wrong happened")

class Scorer extends Actor {

  var queue = mutable.Queue[Frame]()
  var stack = mutable.Stack[Frame]()

  def shouldContinue: Unit = {
    stack.size match {
      case 10 => {
        println(s"Final Score : [${stack.head.x}][${stack.head.y}][${}]")
        sender() ! Stop
      case 0 => sender() ! Continue
      case _ => {
        sender() ! Continue

  def updateScore(frame: Frame): Unit = {
    stack.headOption.isDefined match {
      case true => { +=
      case false => {

  def enqueueFrame(frame: Frame): Unit = {
    frame.waitForMoves match {
      case x if (x > 0) => queue.enqueue(frame)
      case _ => updateScore(frame)

  def processQueue(points: Int): Unit = {
    val tempFrame = queue.dequeue() = tempFrame.points + points

  def updateFrames(frame: Frame): Unit = {
    if (queue.headOption.isDefined) {

      (queue.head.waitForMoves, frame.movesPlayed) match {
        // Spare followed by Strike  
        case (1, 1) => processQueue(frame.points)
        // Spare followed by either Spare or regular frame
        case (1, 2) => processQueue(frame.x)
        // Strike followed by Strike
        case (2, 1) if (queue.length == 2) => processQueue(queue.tail.head.points + frame.points)
        // Strike followed by either Spare or regular frame
        case (2, 2) if (queue.length == 1) => processQueue(frame.points)
        // Strike followed by Strike followed by either Spare or regular frame
        case (2, 2) if (queue.length == 2) => {
          processQueue(queue.tail.head.points + frame.x)
        case _ => {}


  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Score(x, y) => {
      (x, y) match {
        case (10, _) => updateFrames(Frame(10, 0, 10, 0, 1, 2))
        case (x, y) if (x + y == 10) => updateFrames(Frame(x, y, 10, 0, 2, 1))
        case _ => updateFrames(Frame(x, y , (x + y), (x + y), 2, 0))

You can run the above code directly from IDE(IntelliJ) by adding Scala plugin & creating new SBT project. Once created, add the following dependency in build.sbt file.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq {
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.4.16"

As mentioned before, the above code covers only happy scenarios. Special or edge cases haven’t been tested. If you run the following input(each line is a score of a given frame):

8 2     // Spare
7 3     // Spare
3 4
10 0    // Strike
2 8     // Spare
10 0    // Strike
10 0
8 -     // Miss
10 0    // Strike
7 1

then you should get the final score of 157.

Main Method

object BowlingRunner {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val system = ActorSystem("BowlingActorSystem")
    val driverActor = system.actorOf(Props[Driver], "driver")
    driverActor ! Start

Main method starts by instantiating ActorSystem & ActorSystem instance in turn creates Driver actor. finally, main method instructs driverActor to start the game by sending Start message.

Any actor based application will have one & only one ActorSystem instance. ActorSystem creates root level actors & those actors in-turn creates child actors and so on. You can imagine the hierarch of ActorSystem & subsequent actors in form of tree data structure. You can read more about actor system here.

ActorSystem creates driverActor. Actors are lightweight entities taking roughly 300 to 600 bytes of space. Thus you can create large number of actors. Once actor is created, you interact with it by sending messages. In our case, we initiate conversation by sending simple case object instance called Start.

Case object vs class : A case class can take arguments, so each instance of that case class can be different based on the values of it’s arguments. A case object on the other hand does not take args in the constructor, so there can only be one instance of it (a singleton, like a regular scala object is). Source : Stackoverflow

Important : Notice how main method does nothing after sending nessage to driverActor. Normally this will cause the application to shutdown immediatly but this is not the case with Actors. Actors have definite lifecycle & are not automatically destroyed but instead have to be explicitly destroyed. There is a lot going on under the covers when it comes to actor lifecycle & the best place to read about it is official Akka documentation.

Driver class

class Driver extends Actor {
  val scorer = context.actorOf(Props[Scorer], "scorer")

  implicit def scoreToInt(s: String) = s match {
    case "X" => 10
    case "-" => 0
    case _ => s.toInt

  def play: Unit = {
    val scoreX = readLine("Enter first score : ")
    val scoreY = readLine("Enter second score : ")
    scorer ! Score(scoreX, scoreY)

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Start => play
    case Continue => play
    case Stop => println("Game over!! Press ctrl+c to quit.")
    case _ => println("something wrong happened")

Driver class represents our first Actor & it does so by extending Actor trait. Doing so forces the actor class to implement the receive method. Inside receive method, actor provides relevant handlers for messages it intends to support via match block. In case of our Driver actor we have following messages:

  • Start : Coming from Main method. Triggers the game.
  • Continue : Coming from Scorer. Requests Driver to accept next set of inputs.
  • Stop : Coming from Scorer. Signals completion of game.

Once again, these messages are represented via Case objects.

case object Start
case object Stop
case object Continue

Driver actor creates child actor Scorer using context.actorOf(Props[Scorer], “scorer”). Driver’s sole responsibility is to accept use input & forward it to Scorer & let Scorer do the hard work of managing the score. Messages are sent to Scorer in form of Score case class which accepts two parameters namely scores within a given frame.

Note : Score class accepts two Int parameters. readLine method returns value of type String i.e. scoreX & scoreY are of type String. Then how come automatically from the time variable are initialized & used, they are converted from String to Int? In other languages, converting from String to Int normally requires explicit casting like (int) or Convert.toInt. In our case, what we are seeing is yet another Scala compiler magic called implicits is in play. Before throwing compiler error, Scala compiler looks for any method that can convert String to Int and in our case that method is called scoreToInt. Implicits is a broad topic & requires a blog post on its own.

Scorer class

class Scorer extends Actor {

  var queue = mutable.Queue[Frame]()
  var stack = mutable.Stack[Frame]()

  def shouldContinue: Unit = {
    stack.size match {
      case 10 => {
        println(s"Final Score : [${stack.head.x}][${stack.head.y}][${}]")
        sender() ! Stop
      case 0 => sender() ! Continue
      case _ => {
        sender() ! Continue

  def updateScore(frame: Frame): Unit = {
    stack.headOption.isDefined match {
      case true => { +=
      case false => {

  def enqueueFrame(frame: Frame): Unit = {
    frame.waitForMoves match {
      case x if (x > 0) => queue.enqueue(frame)
      case _ => updateScore(frame)

  def processQueue(points: Int): Unit = {
    val tempFrame = queue.dequeue() = tempFrame.points + points

  def updateFrames(frame: Frame): Unit = {
    if (queue.headOption.isDefined) {

      (queue.head.waitForMoves, frame.movesPlayed) match {
        case (1, 1) => processQueue(frame.points)
        case (1, 2) => processQueue(frame.x)
        case (2, 1) if (queue.length == 2) => processQueue(queue.tail.head.points + frame.points)
        case (2, 2) if (queue.length == 1) => processQueue(frame.points)
        case (2, 2) if (queue.length == 2) => {
          processQueue(queue.tail.head.points + frame.x)
        case _ => {}


  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Score(x, y) => {
      (x, y) match {
        case (10, _) => updateFrames(Frame(10, 0, 10, 0, 1, 2))
        case (x, y) if (x + y == 10) => updateFrames(Frame(x, y, 10, 0, 2, 1))
        case _ => updateFrames(Frame(x, y , (x + y), (x + y), 2, 0))

Scorer actor class contains bulk of the game logic. It’s receive method accepts the score & handles it dependening upon whether the frame is Strike, Spare, Miss or regular strikes. It communicates with Driver actor via sending Continue & receiving Score message. After it’s done with 10 frames, it signals Stop message asking Driver to stop the game. Scorer uses two mutable collections namely Stack & Queue for maintaining process & in-process frames.

Note : Pressing ctrl+c is not the right way to stop the application. Like I mentioned before, Actors have definite life cycle & there are explicit events & messages that can be used for stopping Actors & ActorSystem. Actor lifecycle is a topic for another blog post. For now, just press ctrl+c & stop the game.


  • Use of actors allows clear segregation of responsibilities
  • Message passing between actors eases application complexity & makes the code easy to understand
  • Scala’s pattern matching makes the code concise & easy to understand
  • Scala’s case classes, objects, implicits etc adds to overall succinctness of code
  • Communication between actors like getting started with actor based programming. Akka framework is quiet broad & there is a lot that you can do with actors like routing, persistence, remote communication etc. For more, refer the official wiki here.